Turkish LANG. problem

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Fri May 30 23:42:26 CDT 2003

"Arman Aksoy" <armish at linux-sevenler.de> wrote:

> err:module:BUILTIN32_LoadLibraryExA loaded .so but dll display.dll still
> not found - 16-bit dll or version conflict.
> err:dc:CreateDCA no driver found for DISPLAY
> wine: ../../windows/sysmetrics.c:122: SYSMETRICS_Init: Assertion `hdc'
> failed.
> wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...

As a very first step I'd suggest to run with '--debugmsg +relay,+x11drv'
and find out what prevents our x11drv from loading.

I assume you are using CVS or the latest released version and a 'no windows'
setup. If that's not the case, please follow the advice above.


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