Does anyone know about WM_SETFOCUS and EN_SETFOCUS

Bill Medland billmedland at
Wed Oct 1 12:05:27 CDT 2003

On October 1, 2003 12:51 am, Gerhard Gruber wrote:
> > Is anyone out there an expert in Windows focus handling?
> >
> > I have problems with our application and the focus handling in places.
> >
> > Basically it seems to me that there is some sort of logic in windows
> > whereby
> > the code calls PostMessage (WM_SETFOCUS) but the result is that the
> > parent of
> > the target window receives WM_COMMAND EN_SETFOCUS instead.
> >
> > Does anyone know anything about such translations?
> From MSDN:
> The EN_SETFOCUS notification message is sent when an edit control receives
> the keyboard focus. The parent window of the edit control receives this
> notification message through a WM_COMMAND message.
>   HWND hwnd,       // handle to window
>   UINT uMsg,       // WM_COMMAND
>   WPARAM wParam,   // edit control identifier, EN_SETFOCUS
>   LPARAM lParam    // handle to edit control (HWND)
> );
> Parameters
> wParam
> The low-order word specifies the edit control identifier.
> The high-order word specifies the notification message.
> lParam
> Handle to the edit control.
> Remarks
> The parent window will always get a WM_COMMAND message for this event, it
> does not require a notification mask sent with WM_SETEVENTMASK.
> Rich Edit: For information about the compatibility of rich edit versions
> with the various system versions, see About Rich Edit Controls.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Yes, I know about that.

Also see the SetFocus documentation that says it sends WM_SETFOCUS.

So maybe they mean that it sends a WM_SETFOCUS unless its an edit control in 
which case it sends EN_SETFOCUS. 

So what exactly is an edit control.  i.e. what is the queriable property that 
allows us to decide which to send.

There is a suggestion that actually this translation is done down in the 
DefWindowProc somewhere. (See

I see that currently we don't do anything with WM_SETFOCUS in DefWindowProc.


Bill Medland
ACCPAC International, Inc.
medbi01 at
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