Program linking on Windows with Mingw+MSYS

Steven Edwards steven_ed4153 at
Sat Oct 11 17:58:37 CDT 2003

--- Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at> wrote:
> But perhaps there is a good reason to ignore it... Alexandre?

It could have just slipped through although I can think of a good
reason not to apply it now. If would be nice to have the option to use
either the mingw import libs or WINEs. Our patch does hide the UUID
problems that exist in w32api shell32.a. 

The proper solution may be to have a configure switch like
--use-native-sdk. If we could add this to configure and msvcmaker it
would fix this problem and make the porting work alot simpler as I
wouldnt have to manualy move headers around when build on Mingw or


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