Display detection bug

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at free.fr
Sat Sep 6 06:44:32 CDT 2003

> More users means more feedback, better software, more users, more developers,
> more software, more feedback...

Heh, I always love idealists :-)

For me, more users is not always a good thing... Heck, after some time on
IRC helping people I am really wondering if I should even continue working
on Wine when I see the attitude of most people.

The 'Linux community' of the start where all the people gave something back
(useful and advanced bug reports, fixes, help, ...) is being slowly killed
by people who choose Linux just because it's free (as in beer) and who do
not give back anything.

      Lionel (in a bad mood :-) )

		 Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/

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