More stuff about the headers

Shachar Shemesh wine-devel at
Sun Sep 7 04:56:08 CDT 2003

Eric Pouech wrote:

> Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>> Steven Edwards wrote:
>>> First thing is first. Whats up with the 
>>> *_must_be_suffixed_with_W_or_A_in_this_context error?
>> If you are compiling a core Wine DLL, you are not allowed to use the 
>> base name (IDC_ARROW). You must pick either the Ansi (IDC_ARROWA) or 
>> Wide (IDC_ARROWW) versions. To achieve this, wine uses a macro called 
>> "WINELIB_NAME_AW". It is defined in windef.h. You can see that if 
>> UNICODE is defined, this macro adds the "W" at the end, if not 
>> defined, it adds an "A" at the end, but if it is part of the wine 
>> compilation, it defines a name that is bound to cause an error, by 
>> appending "func_must_be_suffixed_with_W_or_A_in_this_context".
> Steven's point is that MS headers don't define the A and W version of 
> the resource identifiers (both resource types - RT_???? - and default 
> resources - ID?_???? -). Which means we cannot compile some Wine DLLs 
> (like commctrl, but also winmm, shell32...) without the wine headers. 
> Since Wine code relies on information which isn't defined by the MS 
> headers (nor the Mingw's), we do have an issue here.

That's not entirely true.
It's true that only IDC_ARROW is defined, but it is defined as 
"MAKEINTRESOURCE(32512)". MAKEINTRESOURCE, in turn, is defined as a AW 

Still, I agree that we are in a somewhat of a fix here. How about if we 
do it this way:
Define IDC_ARROWn as 32512
This way, you will still get the error, you are still prohibited from 
using an unqualified version. From within the Wine sources, you can just 


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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