Intent to get Avisynth working with Wine/Winelib

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Wed Sep 10 22:36:25 CDT 2003

On September 10, 2003 07:16 pm, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

> It MIGHT be possible to make my C interface a winlib by using the
> functions as it (ie in assembly) and just relinking the lib.  Is this even
> remotely practical and will it help matters at all?

It should be practical, but I'm afraid it doesn't help matters much.
There is little difference between a PE executable (a native Windows
binary) and a Winelib app.

> Just to be sure.  A normal Linux application CAN NOT load a winlib shared
> library.  Correct?

In general, yes, that is correct.

> Also, how is the calling of Windows codec done in mplayer, xine, and the
> like?  Could something like that be done.  Avisynth has so GUI.

I don't know, the mplayer guys just copied over some code from Wine,
and integrated it into their code with some modifications.


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