Taskmanger Relicense: Was Unable to cimpile wineproc

thomas.mertes at gmx.at thomas.mertes at gmx.at
Mon Sep 15 03:10:51 CDT 2003

Eric Pouech (pouech-eric_at_wanadoo.fr) wrote:

> + Don't depend on msvcrt

>	- added wine only dumb macros for _ui64toa and _ultoa

This is not necessary _ui64toa and _ultoa are defined in the ntdll.
See ntdll.spec:

@ cdecl _ui64toa(long long ptr long)
@ cdecl _ultoa(long ptr long)

and ntdll/string.c:

char * __cdecl _ui64toa(
    ULONGLONG value, /* [I] Value to be converted */
    char *str,       /* [O] Destination for the converted value */
    int radix)       /* [I] Number base for conversion */

char * __cdecl _ultoa(
    unsigned long value, /* [I] Value to be converted */
    char *str,           /* [O] Destination for the converted value */
    int radix)           /* [I] Number base for conversion */

May be prototypes of _ui64toa and _ultoa should be added to winternl.h or
some other ntdll specific include file. In the moment this prototypes are
only defined in msvcrt/stdlib.h:

char*       _ui64toa(unsigned __int64,char*,int);
char*       _ultoa(unsigned long,char*,int);

Greetings Thomas Mertes

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