Configuration parameters

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Sun Sep 21 23:50:07 CDT 2003

On September 18, 2003 01:26 pm, Eric Pouech wrote:

> the point is that it's not easy to tell between :
> - two physical sound cards (one ALSA, one OSS)
> - one physical sound card but with ALSA and OSS emulation on top of ALSA
> moreover, we'll have to store winmm card information to dsound driver
> somewhere in order to link them (and stop using the current hack)
> that's why some driver configuration will be necessary in the registry

Yes, we can't quite guess all this right, this is a job for
to standardize some setting so apps can easily get to that kind of info.
It's just stupid that apps (outside KDE/GNOME) need to have their own setup
dialogs, etc. And even more silly is that the user has to configure all
this crap so many times it's not even funny.

> see comment at the top of dlls/winmm/midimap/midimap.c
> for the other settings , you have :
> - the list of audio & video codecs (in driver32 section from system.ini)
> - the list of known mci drivers. Firstly, looked for in the options
> section of the wine config file. If nothing is defined, it's looked for
> in the mci section in the system.ini file

What about the stuff in win.ini/[mci extensions]. Is that used?

I've added the following as regedit settings:

   AutoScheme                    no      no     0
   ConfigureCount                no      no     4
   CurrentInstrument             no      no     Wine OSS midi
   CurrentScheme                 no      no     epp
   DriverList                    no      no
   UseScheme                     no      no     0
   <nameScheme>                  no      no
   Channels                      no      no
   system.ini/[mci] (needs porting to the registry)
   cdaudio                       no      no     mcicda.drv
   sequencer                     no      no     mciseq.drv
   waveaudio                     no      no     mciwave.drv
   avivideo                      no      no     mciavi.drv
   videodisc                     no      no     mcipionr.drv
   vcr                           no      no     mcivisca.drv
   MPEGVideo                     no      no     mciqtz.drv
   system.ini/[drivers32] (needs porting to the registry)
   MSACM.imaadpcm                no      no     imaadp32.acm
   MSACM.msadpcm                 no      no     msadp32.acm
   VIDC.MRLE                     no      no     msrle32.dll
   win.ini/[mci extensions] (needs porting to the registry)
   cda                           no      no     cdaudio
   mid                           no      no     sequencer
   midi                          no      no     sequencer
   rmi                           no      no     sequencer
   aif, aifc, aiff...            no      no     MPEGVideo


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