Proposed solution for COMCTL32 subclassing problems

Filip Navara xnavara at
Sat Apr 17 09:07:38 CDT 2004

Robert Shearman wrote:

>Can you not just use stack->stacknum instead of 0 if the stack is inverted?
Of course I can (now that I understand the code ;-).

>I'm not arguing against it and I'm all for it if it makes it easier to code,
>but I'm just trying to see what stops you from using the same stack
>direction as at the moment.
If there is enough interest, I can recode it with using the previous 
stack layout. When I started the patch I just thought it would be easier 
this way, but now I can reasonably say that it wouldn't be much different.

- Filip

In the last patch I sent there was still one bug:
+         stack->stacknum--;
+         if (n < stack->stackpos)
should be
+         stack->stacknum--;
+         if (n < stack->stackpos && stack->wndprocrecursion)

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