dlls/kernel/console.c::SetConsoleCtrlHandler() cleanup/fixup

Brian Vincent vinn at theshell.com
Sat Apr 17 12:12:34 CDT 2004

As it was written in the Book of "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun at rogers.com>:
> Now, (8) is not essential for testing, without it we can just go directly
> to the generated page. Again (1) is just nice to have for end users, we
> can test without it. We are however blocking at (2) ATM, and I'm not sure
> what the latest situation is.

Nor do I.  Paul mentioned he might have something up last week, I may have
accidentally read an email of his with the delete key.  He also mentioned
a problem with other WRT triggers.

I noticed Kevin Koltzau has been playing with cross-compiling, and given
that winetest.exe is working now on Windows (we think!) I asked him if he
could put something together for testing.


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