Widl: Conditionals, Dotted Versions, Handles

Ove Kaaven ovek at arcticnet.no
Sun Apr 18 09:25:29 CDT 2004

lør, 17.04.2004 kl. 18.53 skrev Robert Shearman:
> Hi,
> This patch adds support for several features I found lacking whilst
> attempting to generate headers for RPC interfaces.

Is this needed?

@@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
        | tSWITCHTYPE '(' type ')'              { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHTYPE, type_ref($3)); }
        | tUUID '(' aUUID ')'                   { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_UUID, $3); }
        | tV1ENUM                               { $$ = make_attr(ATTR_V1ENUM); }
+       | tVERSION '(' version '.' version ')'  { $$ = make_attrv2(ATTR_VERSION, $3, $5); }
        | tVERSION '(' version ')'              { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_VERSION, $3); }
        | tWIREMARSHAL '(' type ')'             { $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_WIREMARSHAL, type_ref($3)); }
        | pointer_type                          { $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERTYPE, $1); }

Doesn't the "version" rule already handle this?

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