
Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Sun Apr 18 12:05:50 CDT 2004

Duane Clark a écrit :
> Uwe Bonnes wrote:
>>>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Pouech <pouech-eric at> writes:
>>     Eric> I was about to implement the fd inheritance in msvcrt, when 
>> I came
>> Erich,
>> the attachment seems broken again...
> Yep. With gmane, it is completely stripped off, but it shows up in the 
> winehq archives just fine... rather odd.
netscape:mail (in its MIME settings) had a binding from .diff files to 
MIME multipart/appledouble, which seems to break a lot of stuff. I 
removed this from my settings and everything's ok (I still wonder why 
netscape - or me using netscape - changed it)

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