winetest testing

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Apr 21 06:37:21 CDT 2004

"Dimitrie O. Paun" <dimi at> wrote:

> Can you please run this .exe on your Windows box:
> We are trying to test the winetest infrastructure.

There are some problem with running tests under winetest.
For instance user/msg test fails when running under it,
but has no failures if ran as a standalone app.

kernel32/pipe test binary is broken. I've recompiled
it under cygwin from Wine CVS and it works for me without
any single failure. Also kernel32/generated test is broken
due to miscompilation by recent cygwin/mingw compilers.

Regarding winetest user interface:
1. it's better to make all progress bars have the same size
2. edit windows should be replaced by static controls
3. main window should be made not resizable, otherwize it's


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