RFH: winetest testing

Henk Poley hpoley at dds.nl
Wed Apr 21 02:34:10 CDT 2004

Ferenc Wagner wrote:

> Henk Poley <hpoley at dds.nl> writes:
>> Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
>>> Can you please run this .exe on your Windows box:
>>>     http://afavant.elte.hu/~wferi/wine/winetest.exe
>>> We are trying to test the winetest infrastructure.
>> On my (dutch) Windows 98 SE Lite (see www.litepc.net)
>> install it needed quite a lot of user interaction. In the
>> sense of clicking [Ok] on error boxes. Is that
>> intentional? Should I have written them down?
> It's partly intentional, but as I can't see a single Win98
> report on the summary page, I have to say that in your case
> at least one isn't.  Could you please provide some details?

If you can tell me where the partial report is stored I can send it to you.
The thing halted at the :input stuff (yes, I know, known bug), so the
report was never sent. I waited 15 minutes or so, so the 2 minutes timout
should have happened if it was just 'stuck' somewhere.

        Henk Poley <><

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