Winetest: outstanding issues (SERVING)

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Thu Apr 22 14:45:43 CDT 2004

And the thrist and last installment:


What we need to support:
  -- multiple publishers
  -- multiple files for the same build for each publisher 
  -- various distribution policies

What we need to do:
  -- maintain a pool of releases as described in my
     previous mail. This is a map/hastable keyd by
     the published filename.
  -- persist this to disk, in case of server crash,
     load it from disk on startup.
  -- currently we use <program>/url.mask to get to the
     url mask. We need to add the publisher info in
     there, so this will need to change to:
     Similar for the other files.
  -- the rest remains unchanaged, as Brian correctly

We can have different distribution policies: pick
a random file, send all files, etc. Given that we
have few published files, and tests are short, I
suggest we send them all. So what we have to do is
to add a loop around most of the script generation:

  for file in pool:
	generate script commands to download it and run it

It looks like there aren't that many changes after all.


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