project David?

Jakob Eriksson jakov at
Fri Apr 23 13:52:17 CDT 2004

Tim Hentenaar wrote:

>On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 11:53:40 -0500
>"R.U. Deranged" <yes_this_is_a_real_address at> wrote:
>>The article states "David" is currently 80 MB. Anyone care to wager on how 
>>much of that is Wine code? Their developers sure have been busy... </sarcasm>
>Yeah, I can almost predict that it will be at least 75% Wine code. I don't think they understand the LGPL, maybe someone should explain it to them, and how they're soon to be violating it. :P

LGPL is pretty easy to satisfy. That's why it was chosen for libc.


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