Feedback on user manual

Scott Ritchie scott at
Tue Dec 7 19:02:01 CST 2004

Please don't use the official Debian packages, they are rather out of
date.  Instead, please use the .deb files (I'll upload
instructions on how to get them by tomorrow), or compile from CVS. The
documentation is also currently undergoing a rewrite - you can see its
status as of the latest release on the web page.  Currently,
only the introduction of the user guide is in its updated state - I'm
working on patching up the Getting Wine chapter as well as some other
stuff like the bug reporting guide.

Thank you for your input though,
Scott Ritchie,
Self Proclaimed Wine Usability guy

On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 13:06 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> The manual lamented the lack of feedback, so I thought I'd give you
> some.
> 1.1.1 says "It tries to target both the new Wine user, by offering a
> step by step approach, and the experienced Wine user, by offering the
> reference material mentioned above."
> Ordinarily, I would expect the novice stuff, followed by reference
> material.  But, judging from the table of contents, this isn't what
> you've done.  It would be good to say how the stuff is arranged.
> Assuming the novice and expert stuff is interspersed, it might be better
> to separate them.  Yes, I realize that's probably a lot of work.  That's
> why this is only a though :)
> You might also want to put a date and version number on the
> documentation; at least on Debian, looking at the html, I don't see it. 
> I'm using wine-doc 0.0.20040716-1.3.
> Thanks for your work on wine.

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