ITSS: DllCanUnloadNow implementation

Robert Shearman rob at
Thu Dec 30 19:28:08 CST 2004

Jacek Caban wrote:

> Changelog:
>    Implemented DllCanUnloadNow

> BOOL WINAPI ITSS_DllCanUnloadNow(void)
> {
>-    FIXME("\n");
>-    return FALSE;
>+    TRACE("dll_count = %lu\n", dll_count);
>+    return !dll_count;

This function should return an HRESULT, not a BOOL. This error would 
have been caught if it weren't for the silly ITSS_ prefix. Consequently, 
the return value should be either S_OK or S_FALSE depending on whether 
there are no or some remaining references respectively.


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