Will DCOM98 be pulled?

Ove Kaaven ovek at arcticnet.no
Wed Jan 7 17:39:41 CST 2004

man, 05.01.2004 kl. 14.34 skrev Mike Hearn:
> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 14:17:28 +0100, Ove Kaaven wrote:
> > Nobody has yet added typelib stuff to widl, eh... I guess I could whip
> > up a framework or something to help with that, since nobody else has yet
> > done it...
> Actually, in the last 4 days I recruited somebody to hack on this from
> IRC. He seems pretty competent and is currently implementing the
> ICreateTypeLib[2] interfaces I think. Alexander (nyef), are you tracking
> wine-devel yet?
> If you could work on the widl backend of course that'd be fantastic. I'm
> still hoping to get back to properly submitting your DCOM/apartments work
> soon, but I have 3 or 4 higher priority things on my todo list currently.

Well, I've done about as much as I dared do without knowing exactly what
plans you have. After all, widl can *not* link to oleaut32 since widl is
not a Winelib app (and wasn't meant to be since someday we may want widl
to generate some of the .c and .h files used by Wine DLLs such as
oleaut32 at build time, instead of putting the generated files into
CVS). My original plan was to use stdio to write typelibs straight from
widl, not to use ICreateTypeLib.

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