dll name length (was: Windows dll replacement with Linux library)

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at rogers.com
Thu Jan 8 09:38:00 CST 2004

On January 6, 2004 10:04 pm, Dan Timis wrote:
> I finally figured out what my problem was.  If the name of the library
> is "USBUtils" it works, if it is "USBDeviceUtils" it doesn't.  Actually
> the max length I can use is 11 characters.  That is probably 15
> characters including ".dll"
> In my config file all filesystems are "win95"  The version is "nt40"
> Is there any way to configure wine to support longer names?

Eric is right, I've run into the same problem (with visual-mingw)
some time ago. He fixed it way back in Sep, 2004, with this patch:


If you can't update to something newer, this patch is trivial
to backport in your tree. Please let us know if it helped.


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