Need help debugging ...

Mike Hearn mike at
Thu Jan 15 11:40:17 CST 2004

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:36:17 +0200, Boaz Harrosh wrote:
> Just a long shot. I had a problem with my own program. where I would 
> crush on a bug as so:
> in the code at global scope I had:
> SomeStruct table[] = {
>     {1,2,3,4}
>     {1,2,3,4}
>     .....
>     {1,2,3,4}
> } ;
> // Note that the the last null record is missing
> now the startup code will load this table until seeing null in first 
> field. That never crashed on windows (5 years old code). But on Linux it 
> would (same PE binary). Is it possible that static uninitialized data 
> (in a data segment) is set to 0 on Windows and is untouched in Linux/wine?

That sounds like the sort of bug it might be. I'm pretty sure Linux
initializes static data to zero, but anyway, it shouldn't matter right
because even if ELF binaries are different in this regard we are loading
keeper.exe - a PE binary.

One thing it could be is if we load the data segments in a different
way to Windows I guess..... something like that

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