IE6 installation error. would you please give me a suggession

Mike Hearn mike at
Fri Jul 2 08:14:33 CDT 2004

On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 12:26:05 +0100, Shiva Ram Krishna wrote:
> would you please suggest me what I have to do

Basically, debug it. This has been an intermittent problem since at least
Christmas of this year, but I was never able to nail it. Basically our file is being replaced with a native REGSVR32.EXE during
the IE install because of the symlink put in place. I don't know what the
solution is to this. Maybe preventing the Wine FS code writing to symlinks
if they are inside the windows directory or something equally hackish - or
just ensuring that the files are always readonly.

thanks -mike

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