Wine and locales

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Thu Jul 29 02:36:11 CDT 2004

"Shachar Shemesh" <wine-devel at> wrote:

> > What happens on Unix with that setup? When I try setting LANG to he_IL 
> > and LC_CTYPE to en_US on unix, I can type Hebrew characters in kedit, 
> > but they are saved as "?". In other words, Wine's behavior under the 
> > case you mention exactly reflects the behavior Unix gives.
> >
> > I think the GIGO rule should apply here. Garbage in, garbage out.
> >
> >          Shachar
> It seems that Wine under the above circumstances does not allow the 
> keyboard input at all, not even for Unicode apps. This, however, strikes 
> me as a bug in the keyboard input area, not in the locale handling area.

That's a bug in X11 which does not have a unicode input system and
has no such a thing as input locale. You always can use 'xev' to
see what keyboard inout X11 sends to an application. You will see
that Wine has nothing to do with that.


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