redirecting stdout with WineLib

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Thu Mar 25 10:12:58 CST 2004

Ferenc Wagner a écrit :
> Hello,
> Hacking away on winetest I encountered the following
> problem: under Windows and Wine (running cross compiled
> binaries) it's possible to redirect the stdout of a child
> process with CreateProcess using STARTF_USESTDHANDLES.
> However, if I CreateProcess an from the WineLib
> version, the redirection is ignored.  The create_process
> function in process.c acts on this option in both cases, but
> I didn't investigate further.  Does anybody have an idea why
> this happens?
which winelib pgm did you used ? did you check that the program was 
actually using the inherited handles (thru the standard headers) and 
wasn't opening itself the handles ?
(btw kernel/tests/process.c just implemnents what you describe (on a 
winelib app - the test app itself) and works just fine here, the 
inherited handle being a pipe)

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