7-Zip port to Winelib in progress

Seo Sanghyeon tinuviel at fluid.sparcs.net
Tue May 4 16:31:32 CDT 2004

Following is from README of attached archive.

 * * *

This is a preliminary effort to port 7-Zip to Winelib.
For now, "Common" and "Windows" directory can be compiled.

You need Scons. It is a damn good build tool.

Wine version used is snapshot 20040408 downloaded from
Debian unstable.

1. Download 7z313.tar.bz2 source archive from
2. Run "sh prepare"
3. Run "scons"
4. It compiles, and you get lib7z.a.

Commandline project files are located at 7zip/Bundles/Alone.
Will try 7zip directory soon.

As you see, all patches are trivial.

Common/CommandLineParser.h  include wchar.h.
Common/IntToString.h        include sys/types.h.
Common/Wildcard.h           rename to WildCard.h (note case!).
Windows/Console.h           PINPUT_RECORD -> LPINPUT_RECORD.
Windows/FileFind.h          define some missing constants.
Windows/ItemIDListUtils.h   include shtypes.h and shlobj.h.
Windows/Net.cpp             cast to const.
Windows/Shell.h             include shtypes.h and shlobj.h.

This is quick-and-dirty work. I don't know whether 7-Zip is
wrong or Wine is wrong. Didn't read the source.

Thank you for reading.
-------------- next part --------------
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