VirtualProtect bug?

Robert Reif reif at
Sat May 15 18:07:39 CDT 2004

I'm trying to write a test that checks for data overruns
using VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect and I think
I may have found a bug.  Here is the problem:

DWORD dwPageSize;
BYTE * twoPages, temp;
DWORD flOldProtect;
twoPages = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 2 * dwPageSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, 
res = VirtualProtect(twoPages + dwPageSize, dwPageSize, PAGE_NOACCESS, 
temp = twoPages[dwPageSize + 1];    // should cause exception but 
doesn't in wine
twoPages[dwPageSize + 1] = 0;        // does cause exception

I would like to write a test to check the exception handling
but I don't know how to do a __try and __except in C.

Any ideas?

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