x - D3D Errors while starting

Christian Costa titan.costa at wanadoo.fr
Thu May 20 04:21:49 CDT 2004

Florian Goth wrote:

>I tried to start The Game x and it bailed out with a lot of fixme's and some 
>errors like these:
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE 
>(0000001e) value : 00000000 !
>The game uses DiectX6
>There's a demo available at
>This is the complete log:
>fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 
>fixme:ddraw:DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Blt dwFlags DDBLT_WAIT and/or DDBLT_ASYNC: 
>can't handle right now.
>fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface 
>{279afa83-4981-11ce-a521-0020af0be560} of class 
>{d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b}, hres is 0x8000ffff
>fixme:dsound:IDirectSoundImpl_SetCooperativeLevel level=DSSCL_PRIORITY not 
>fully supported
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_LINEPATTERN (0000000a) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_MONOENABLE (0000000b) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType D3DRENDERSTATE_ROP2 
>(0000000c) value : 0000000d !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_PLANEMASK (0000000d) value : ffffffff !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_LASTPIXEL (00000010) value : 00000001 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE 
>(0000001e) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_EDGEANTIALIAS (00000028) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_RANGEFOGENABLE (00000030) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType D3DRENDERSTATE_EXTENTS 
>(0000008a) value : 00000000 !
>err:ddraw:set_render_state Unhandled dwRenderStateType 
>D3DRENDERSTATE_VERTEXBLEND (00000097) value : 00000000 !
>fixme:amstream:AM_create ((nil),0x4095f5ec)
>fixme:amstream:IAMMultiMediaStreamImpl_AddRef (0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)
>fixme:amstream:IAMMultiMediaStreamImpl_Release (0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)
>(0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)->(0,1,(nil)) stub!
>(0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)->((nil),0x495398,0,(nil)) stub!
>(0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)->(0x439645e0) stub!
>fixme:quartz:QUARTZ_DllGetClassObject {4a2286e0-7bef-11ce-9bd9-0000e202599c}: 
>no class found.
>fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no classfactory created for CLSID 
>{4a2286e0-7bef-11ce-9bd9-0000e202599c}, hres is 0x80040111
>(0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)->(0x4095f694,0) stub!
>(0x404ddbf0/0x404ddbf0)->(0x495398,0x439644e4) stub!
>wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0009), starting debugger...
>err:seh:start_debugger Couldn't start debugger ("debugger/winedbg 8 224") (2)
>Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up winedbg or another debugger
>fixme:winmm:MMDRV_Exit Closing while ll-driver open
I think the crash comes from DirectShow. Particularily the amstream.dll 
which is almost stubs at the moment.
Try the native version, videos will not be played but you may be able to 
enter the game.


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