General serial communications issues

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Mon May 31 10:38:36 CDT 2004

Raul Dias a écrit :
> I am not a serial expert, but I don't understand what can change in the
> serial communication to work with one printer and not work with another
> (that use to work).
> For me serial is TX, RX and a few control pins and that's it.
there's lot of stuff in between the physical interface and the 
application code (linux TTY driver, Linux serial code, Windows libs...), 
and also several ways to call the Windows API.

> Does anyone knows what really changed in the serial code?
the way overlapped operations (aka asynchronous read/write) are handled.

However, it's hard to tell what's broken from the information you gave. 
It may also well be that your issues are not linked to the issues 
reported by others

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