winetest results refused when run by wine

Robert Reif reif at
Mon Oct 11 10:57:38 CDT 2004

Ferenc Wagner wrote:

>Robert Reif <reif at> writes:
>>Ferenc Wagner wrote:
>>>Robert Reif <reif at> writes:
>>>>Couldn't winetest fill in the proper test results fields
>>>>necessary for acceptance when compiled to an and
>>>>run in wine?
>>>Did you make dist in programs/winetest?
>>>winetest-dist.exe is the program meant for submission, but
>>> should be able to submit as well.
>>make dist
>>make: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `dist.res'.  Stop.
>>For the built in wine, run with wine case, couldn't there be
>>reasonable default values rather than reading them from a file?
>That's exactly what we wanted to avoid.  Submitted results
>should * not come from Wine but genuine Windows systems, and
>       * be identifiable.
>So we decided to require some (small, one time) effort of
>people providing test suites.  For what you are doing, make
>test seems worth consideration.  If I guessed correctly. :)
What I am interested in seeing are the test results for both the wave and
dsound tests on both windows and wine.  These tests are highly
hardware and os dependent and it's impossible to duplicate all the
possible combinations.  The fact that these tests work fine on windows
and my system doesn't help the people that are complaining of
problems on their systems.  Why should winetest be restricted to
windows only?

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