WinInet and doubtful assertion in FTP_Connect

Krzysztof Foltman kfoltman at
Sat Sep 4 09:02:36 CDT 2004

For some reason, FTP connections in WININET crash on assertion:

     assert( hIC->hdr.htype != WH_HINIT );

However, it seems the assertion is either wrong, or confusing (if its 
intention was to point out that FTP code is unimplemented).

FTP_Connect is called from two places, InternetConnectW and 

As for InternetConnectW, it won't call FTP_Connect unless htype is set 

As for InternetOpenUrlW, I'm not sure what htype does it expect. 
However, it's supposed to use HINTERNET handles coming out of 
InternetOpen, which sets htype to WH_HINIT.

After changing != to ==, InternetConnect works (to a degree). Don't know 
about InternetOpenUrl, but theoretically it should too.


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