RFC: more Windows-NT like user directories?

Vincent Béron vberon at mecano.gme.usherb.ca
Mon Sep 20 10:42:46 CDT 2004

Le lun 20/09/2004 à 11:33, Mike Hearn a écrit :
> > When I run wineprefixcreate I only get two drives, c:
> > and z: (which maps to /).  Should there be a $HOME
> > drive mapping, and should I point the "my documents"
> > directory to that instead?  
> Yes, I think that'd be a good idea.
> In theory My Documents can be controlled by the registry. In practice I 
> think quite a few apps hard code it. So maybe we could make My Documents 
> a symlink to Y: or whatever we use as the home drive.
> Currently symlinks are disabled by default in case of loops. I think we 
> could have some smarter logic to detect that case though, then we could 
> make sure every app which used My Documents was really looking at the 
> UNIX home directory.

What about a hard link then? (~/My Documents == $fake_c/My Documents)
Of course it won't work if $fake_c is on another partition, and spaces
in filename in ~/ are not something I personnally like, but it'd get the
correct functionnality most of the time. Bonus is ~/My Documents would
survive the removal of the $fake_c (but its contents wouldn't, sadly, so
I'm not sure about the last point :P).


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