division by zero in winword

Joris Huizer jorishuizer at planet.nl
Wed Sep 22 14:39:36 CDT 2004

Robbert Xerox wrote:
> Hi, in quite a few programs i can not browse the
> filesystem when opening a "listbox"; to be more clear:
> for example when i do in winword Open and the listbox
> appears, and i try to open the pull down menu winword
> just quits(without an error message in wine).  In
> another program like "Camel join" it quits as soon as
> i go up to the level of "my computer" with a message
> "division by zero in Volme_ReadFATSuperblock. I was
> able to
> track the problem down to the following lines in
> volume.c (starting from line 502)
>       nsect -= GETWORD(buff, 0x0e) + buff[0x10] * sz +
>             (GETWORD(buff, 0x11) * 32 + (GETWORD(buff,
> 0x0b) - 1)) / GETWORD(buff, 0x0b);
>         nclust = nsect / buff[0x0d];

if (GETWORD(buff, 0x0b) == 0)
     /* what to do about this?? */
     nsect -= GETWORD(buff, 0x0e) + buff[0x10] * sz +
             (GETWORD(buff, 0x11) * 32 + (GETWORD(buff,
              0x0b) - 1)) / GETWORD(buff, 0x0b);
     if (buff[0x0d] == 0)
         /* what to do about this one?? */
         nclust = nsect / buff[0x0d];

Now, how come those values become zero? I don't know, so I can't fill in 
the missing stuff there



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