No subject

Tue Aug 30 17:20:58 CDT 2005

using Solaris on x86, but I did not find if he every did say that.

> > I have attached a small patch that allows me to get throught the 'make
> > depend' section of the compile.  Since it is my first patch, please look
> > at and let me know what I did wrong :)
>  > [...]
> > -#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
> > +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__sparc__)
> I haven't tried this with the current code, but in my working version of 
> wine, I didn't make the same change.  My port.h contains:
> ===
> /* Macros to define assembler functions somewhat portably */
> #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) 
> && !defined(__APPLE__)
> # define __ASM_GLOBAL_FUNC(name,code) \
>        __asm__( ".text\n\t" \
>                 ".align 4\n\t" \
>                 ".globl " __ASM_NAME(#name) "\n\t" \
>                 __ASM_FUNC(#name) "\n" \
>                 __ASM_NAME(#name) ":\n\t" \
>                 code \
>                 "\n\t.previous" );
> #else  /* defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && 
> !defined(__APPLE__)  */
> ===
> I'm not sure how to explain why this isn't working for you.  I know we 
> compile with a version of gcc that is configured to use the GNU 
> assembler and GNU linker from binutils.  Perhaps yours is using the 
> native Solaris assembler, and it doesn't understand .previous?  The 
> assembly portions might only compile correctly with the GNU assembler.

I should have mentioned what tools I'm using and the why I sent the patch.  
I am using the native Sun assembler and linker.  The Sun assembler does 
not understand the .previous so that is the reason for the patch.

Using the binutils from I managed to get only the first 
5 files of 'make depend' to compile before it had problems with assembler.  
Seems to be easier to use the native version.

Have Fun!
Chuck Hall

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