[shell32tests/shelllink.c] Use aliases for ordinals (resend/rediff)

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Fri Feb 18 07:59:55 CST 2005

Rolf Kalbermatter <rolf.kalbermatter at citeng.com> writes:

> Thinking a little about this I think exporting the ordinals by name
> too is not a problem at all, as long as the import libraries which
> get generated from the .spec file or .def file import all APIs with
> a defined ordinal through their ordinal instead. This way the DLLs
> are forgiving about someone trying to import by name and the newest
> Windows versions seem to allow linking to those functions by name
> too, but the import libraries will also work on older systems where
> the functions Are exported as ordinals only.
> This may require a modification to the import library generation to
> make sure that for defined ordinals the apropriate code to import
> that function by ordinal is Generated, instead of prefering import
> by name if both are present.

This is precisely what -noname does.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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