riched20 patch preview

Krzysztof Foltman kfoltman at
Sun Feb 27 04:23:37 CST 2005

I've finally managed to make my riched20 code usable (hardly) and 
compatible with Wine. It's probably not good enough to go to CVS, but, 
at least, it's something you can try out. Comments are welcome.

It should work with all programs that load RICHED20.DLL directly. For 
programs that load RICHED32.DLL you need a native version of that DLL 
(which is a wrapper for RICHED20.DLL, providing compatibility with 1.0 
version of the control, the most important thing it does is loading 
RICHED20.DLL, which registers 2.0 window classes).

Note, that EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT don't work, so if your program 
uses RTF to insert text to the control, it won't work !

WinXP WordPad doesn't work either, as it uses RICHEDIT50W window class 
(what I provide is RichEdit20W control, haven't tried to fake it's 5.0).

Have fun!


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