Wine scheduling and threading issues [was Re: Threading issues...]

Jeremy White jwhite at
Sat Jan 15 23:49:43 CST 2005

Hi all,

This is simply a renaming and reorganizing post; Dimi wacked me
with a clue bat, and I am now looping Ingo Molnar into this
conversation (and I am doing it at great haste since he
made noises about helping <grin>).

The thread started here:

picked up a bit here:

(the multiple URLs are entirely due to the apparent failing
of hypermail to span month boundaries).

I've asserted that a large obstacle we face is our inability
to replicate the Windows concept of thread priorities.

Ove recently added what struck me as a very interesting suggestion:

> The biggest problem is that there is no way to say to the kernel that
> one thread is more important than another without permanently renicing
> all other threads. A potential kernel solution to the problem would be
> to implement process scoping in the kernel, i.e.
> pthread_attr_setscope(attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS)
> and then allow threads scoped this way to be set to high priority, since
> with a process scope, these threads should only preempt other threads in
> the same process (i.e. Wine), not threads run by other Linux apps, and
> thus the security concerns of elevated priority threads are irrelevant.
> Allowing a process-scoped thread to set the scheduling policy to
> SCHED_RR in order to inhibit the kernel's interactivity priority boost
> system would also help.

And that brings us up to date.



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