Window resizing in wined3d

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at
Sat Jul 16 02:59:37 CDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 11:34:30PM -0700, Nick Burns wrote:
> And lastly with my GLX -> WGL patch would it be better to use wgl functions 
> explictly and remove support for GLX completely or would it be better to 
> support both GLX and WGL (as mine does currently)

I would say keep both the GLX and WGL path in your code using a compilation
switch to change between two options.

As 'wined3d' is a bit like 'x11drv' in the sense that it's a Linux only DLL
without a pending equivalent in the Windows world we do not have the
requirements of it using only standard Win32 functions. So I do not see what
we would gain to add an additionnal layer (the WGL => GLX translation layer)
between accessing the hardware.


		 Lionel Ulmer -

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