Automatic ANSI<>Unicode message translation

Phil Krylov phil at
Tue Jul 26 02:52:28 CDT 2005

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 16:31:50 +0900
"Dmitry Timoshkov" <dmitry at> wrote:

> "Phil Krylov" <phil at> wrote:
> > > This patch is not correct. All messages which potentially go through wineserver
> > > should be posted/sent via unicode.
> > 
> > OK, then how you would suggest to solve the problem described in previous
> > messages of this thread?
> One solution is to translate the whole wparam.

How do you see it? Example: I do a

 PostMessageA(hwndAnsi, WM_CHAR, 0xF301, 0);

map_wparam_AtoW takes the "\x01\xF3" string, translates it to Unicode via
CP_ACP (for CP1251, this would be probably {'\x01', 0x443})... and how
does it fit this info back in LOWORD(wParam)?

> > AFAIK in DBCS two separate messages are used.
> A test under Windows would say it for sure.

I can't test it as I don't have a Windows with DBCS locales installed, but 
Internet says:

> When entering non-ASCII characters on systems with DBCS input
locales, the lead byte and trail byte for the DBCS character are passed
in two successive WM_CHAR messages. So we are better off processing
WM_IME_CHAR messages because we get both bytes at once. If we move to
Unicode, however, we'll directly get UTF-16 in WM_CHAR; or on XP: UTF-32

-- Ph.

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