Automatic ANSI<>Unicode message translation

Troy Rollo wine at
Wed Jul 27 04:48:40 CDT 2005

On Wednesday 27 July 2005 19:22, Filip Navara wrote:

> Actually it affects the CP_THREAD_ACP code page, but not CP_ACP.

Interesting.  I wasn't previously aware of this. It isn't used anywhere in 
Wine (it's returned, but nothing ever calls a routine with CP_THREAD_ACP). I 
suspect not a whole lot of apps use it either since it's Win2K and higher 
only. Its existence suggests a whole truckload of new tests needed to check 
its behaviour.

Interestingly though, SetThreadLocale is NT3.1 or higher, so an app using it 
in Win2K and higher gets a different result to what it would get on earlier 
versions if CP_THREAD_ACP is used by Windows for internal A->W and W->A 

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