DINPUT: Detect force feedback joysticks (FF #1)

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Thu Jul 28 16:11:51 CDT 2005

Daniel Remenak <dtremenak at gmail.com> writes:

> Executive summary: In order for effects to be played, the correct
> ff_effect structure will need to be present; if you can't play the
> effects it's better not to detect the joystick as FF, because it's
> really not.

Well, if the structure is required for the compile that's OK; but note
that you still need to check for the proper features at run-time, just
because the structure was present at compile time doesn't mean the
kernel supports it, since you can build on 2.6 and then run on 2.4.
Also please use the existing macros for checking structure fields.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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