server/snapshot.c and next_process

Rob Shearman rob at
Fri Jun 3 02:54:12 CDT 2005

Paul Vriens wrote:

>I'm busy fixing up NtQuerySystemInformation. I've added a trace statement
>at line 694:
>TRACE("Processname : (%s), size(%d)\n", wine_dbgstr_w(procname));
>This is because I want to change procname into a unicode string later on
>and just wanted to see what the content of procname is.
>The trace shows:
>trace:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation Processname :
>Can somebody tell me where the extra '\n' comes from ?

procname isn't nul-terminated at that point. Either use wine_dbgstr_wn 
or dump spi->pszProcessName after it is filled in instead.


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