winecfg's registry convience functions

Mike Hearn mh at
Wed Jun 22 06:08:01 CDT 2005

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 10:05:31 +0200, Michael Jung wrote:
> In my opinion, the best way would be to have an option under [shell32]
> which can be set to show the dos drives, the unix filesystem or both. This
> could be set globally or in AppDefaults (and since it would be under HKCU
> per user). This would mean some unixfs specific code in the MyComputer
> shell folder, but I guess there's no way around this, if we want to be
> able to hide the drive letters.

Yeah, I think that would work better for the user. I'm not sure it should
be a preference just to enable/disable unixfs as is, but if you can set it
as an appdefault and hide the drive letters that'd be good.

One thing we might want to look into is integrating with the GNOME/GTK+
file roots. In the new file picker, it hides the UNIX by default and you
have multiple roots like "DVD Drive", "Home", "Desktop", "Apps on
SomeServer" and so on. I think that's a much more user-friendly way of
doing it than exposing things like /mnt, /usr/, /etc to the user. That
would be an additional unixfs feature I guess.

thanks -mike

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