Anybody looking for a pet Wine project?

Jacek Caban jack at
Thu Jun 30 11:34:00 CDT 2005


I think it will be great to have it done. I'd like to
point out one thing for the way to implement it:
the most important is to have it working with
native shdocvw.dll and mshtml.dll. It won't work
with built in in the current state of them, but it
will be fixed soon and I believe it can be in CVS
even if it doesn't work without these dlls.
While implementing then we shouldn't pay too much
attention to get it working with Mozilla ActiveX
Control - it will never work perfectly and I hope
to get rid of its dependency soon. Of course you
may do it working, but, as my tests show, it's
far from compatible with MS. Also, we need to
use itss.dll, which is impossible with Mozilla ActiveX
(I'm not sure if Mozilla has support for chm protocol,
but even if so it's worse to use it).

About implementing hh.exe... it seams to be
pretty easy. Attached is (not tested) implementation:-)

Another related idea is, as I have spoken with
Mike on irc, to use html help in winecfg. It looks
like a nice way to have a complex and integrated
help. This would mean that we need to implement
the chm compiler. To do so we may use chmlib:
that Mike used in itss to decompress chm.

As a conclusion: it would be really good to have
this working in Wine. It uses most of IE related API
(I didn't mension URLMoniker here, which also needs
some work) and getting it to work out of box will be
a great test for Wine.


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