Make running tests on a visible desktop a mandatory requirement

Paul Vriens Paul.Vriens at
Fri Mar 11 11:12:38 CST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 17:06, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
> "Paul Vriens" <Paul.Vriens at> wrote:
> > Apart from the fact whether winrash should be 'fixed' or not, this patch
> > doesn't seem to do what it is supposed to do. Put in other words the
> > running_on_visible_desktop is not correct (enough).
> Apparently that's because desktop window is completely covered by the Progman
> window and SysListView32. I'm very sorry for the breakage.
> Here is a patch that hopefully should finally work for all systems. It's based
> on the article pointed out by Robert Shearman.
> Changelog:
>     Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at>
>     Implement a test for the desktop visibility based on the MSDN article
>     pointed out by Robert Shearman.

someting is wrong with pulling the latest winetest (with winrash) but
that's another issue.

When running the latest winetest from Paul' page, I get on my win98 box:

Assertion failed: pGetUserObjectInformationA(wstation, UOI_FLAGS,
&uoflags, size
of(uoflags), &len), file
st/main.c, line 82

abnormal program termination

This doesn't seem right ;-)


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