short-circuting a dialog box?

Kees Cook kees at
Tue May 3 02:36:09 CDT 2005

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to short-circuit a dialog 
box.  Basically, I want to traps calls to DialogBoxParam, pump calls 
into lpDialogFunc for dialog init, and then clicking of the "Ok" button, 
and finally trap calls to EndDialog.

It seems that this is ... hard.  :)  There is a lot of resource loading, 
window initialization code, etc that goes on inside DialogBoxParam, and 
I'd need to handle all of that, I think.  There even appears to be 
issues with 16 vs 32 bit handler addresses, etc.  Looks really ugly.

Is there a simpler way to programatically click "Ok" on a dialog box?  
(The dialog box coming from code that I don't have source for...)

Kees Cook                                  

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