unix filenames in notepad

James Hawkins truiken at gmail.com
Thu May 5 01:06:40 CDT 2005

On 5/4/05, Michael Lin <mlin at corvu.com.au> wrote:
> I know there will be issues of Windows APIs won't accept unix file path.
> But at this point, I just want to extend open file dialog optionally accept and
> return a unix file path.
> The flag to turn unix path on or off can be in the registry, or simply a extended
> flag that was passed in to OPENFILENAME struct.

I don't agree with your decision to pass in unix file paths to the
open file dialog et al.  The gateway to wine's interaction with the
unix filesystem is through wine's virtual drives.  In particular Z: is
usually set up to point to the root directory of the unix filesystem,
and if you want to find a file within the unix filesystem you browse
through the virtual Z drive.  You can't type in a unix file path in
windows, so I don't see why we should allow it in wine.  That is what
the virtual drives are for.

Objections aside, if you really want to implement this and everyone
else agrees with you, there are internal functions that turn a unix
file path into a windows file path.  I suggest using either this or
something similar instead of trying to send a unix path to OpenFile
etc and passing around flags in the registry and modified structures.

James Hawkins

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