[wine] Re: A better Beep

Marcelo Duarte marcelotduarte at gmail.com
Wed May 18 14:30:25 CDT 2005

David Lee Lambert escreveu:

>On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 10:43:25AM -0300, Marcelo Duarte wrote:
>>Whats happens if a program calls bepp with invalid values for dwFreq and 
>>dwDur on a linux console?
>The bell becomes inaudible until reset by another terminal-control 
>sequence.  However,  the special value (duration=-1) does not have the 
>same semantics;  it's simply ignored.
>On my box that has a PC speaker,  the bell is silent when any of the 
>following are true:
>freq < 21
>dur == 0
>dur > 1999
>I can't hear any tones above 12000 Hz or so,  but I'm not sure whether 
>that's my hearing, the speaker-hardware, or the kernel's decision.
>Should I add range-checks on frequency and duration?
>>(the programmer thinks that dwFreq and dwDur are ignored by Win95).
>That's what the API documentation says.  Are they used on WinXP or Win2k?
If you have programs to test, send me.

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