
Sven Paschukat Sven.Paschukat at
Thu May 26 18:38:53 CDT 2005

 > So why do you like to install "Microsofts MSI 2.0" ? Do you need it for
 > another installer? How does this installer fail with the buildin MSI?
 > Bye Stefan

With builtin MSI there comes a problem at the end of a setup in 
Installshield X with handling its "Merge Modules":
--------------- schnipp ---------------
Installshield Wizard

Merge Module Holder Object
Number:       -2147220254
Description:  MSI engine not found
File:         C:\BldRoot\source\ObjectsPro\Merge Module Object\Script
Line:         401
Script Error: -1
--------------- schnapp ---------------

The symbolic links in WINSYSDIR seems to make some problems, here in 
InstMsiA.exe and also with the regsvr32.exe in Internet Explorer Setup. 
I think a way avoiding them could be making physical copies of the files 
  when an application tries to move the symbolic links. But maybe that's 
no simple change.


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