GTA installer - hidden message boxes [ user32 ]

Vijay Kiran Kamuju infyquest at
Sat Oct 8 00:42:02 CDT 2005

Well, whats the behavior in desktop mode?
Is this in desktop mode or normal mode?

On 10/8/05, Ivan Gyurdiev <ivg2 at> wrote:
> I think I'm on the right track to figuring out why I can't get GTA to
> install. I thought ole was at fault, but now I suspect user32. It seems
> that the installer pops up various message boxes (or at least, it
> supposed to...but it doesn't). Then it waits for a reply, and it never
> receives one, because I don't see any message boxes. That's why it
> "freezes", imho. One box it's supposed to show is "out-of-space", if I
> don't have enough hard drive space for the components (which apparently
> I don't..when the audio is installed). Another one has empty contents at
> msgbox.OnInit (not sure what that means - is the text set later? - I see
> ignored event 0006 (setText)). I can't see the boxes in question, but I
> see calls to msgbox to create them. The WM_SHOWWINDOW event is
> propagated down to DefWindowProc, where it is blocked.
> In "custom install" mode, the out-of-space box shows up, but the second
> "mystery box" doesn't. In "complete install" mode I see neither box. If
> I free up enough hard drive space, it still fails, because of this
> second box that I can't see.
> More detail here:

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