Compile documentation problem

gslink gslink at
Thu Oct 20 19:34:49 CDT 2005

Vincent Béron wrote:
> Le mer 19/10/2005 à 20:06, gslink a écrit :
>>If Wine is going to enter beta soon then someone ought to document the 
>>procedure for compiling the source.  If FC is used to attempt such a 
>>compile and the instructions packaged with the source are followed the 
>>result will be a compile failure in fonts.  This is in spite of 
>>installing fontforge.  The fact that an additional library must be 
>>supplied should be mentioned in the installation instructions packaged 
>>with the source.  Of course, if the RH rpm of fontforge is used then it 
>>will fail to install because of the missing library.  Compiling 
>>fontforge from source or not installing it results in the Wine failure 
>>to compile.  The readme should be fixed.
> A compile failure? Could you provide the last lines of the output of
> make please, as I don't see such a failure under FC4 (without fontforge
> installed)?
> Vincent
Let me explain the problem.  I took your source from May and it compiled 
correctly.  When I looked at your source I found that you had supplied 
some additional code in the form of three patches.  Among the other 
things supplied were ttf fonts.  As a result your source does not need 
fontforge or fontforge required libraries.  This is not true of the 
stock version of Wine.  It supplies all fonts in fontforge form.  As a 
result if is missing then the make file in 
directory fonts will fail and compilation will stop.  With your patches 
this didn't happen.  Try running wineinstall with the stock Wine source 
and NO additional rpms in your system.  It should fail in fonts.  If you 
install fontforge and the fontforge required library then Wine compiles and installs perfectly.
I think the best thing might be for you to document those May patches as 
I think I prefer your way over the stock way.  Please understand: there 
is nothing wrong with Wine.

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